James Randi once exposed a "psychic" who was supposedly able to turn pages in an open phone directory simply by waving his hand over them. When Randi (In front of an audience) saw that he said that he didn't know exactly how he was doing it but the psychic must have been using his breath deflecting the air from his mouth to his hands. The air would then ricochet from his hands, who were close to the phone book, thus riffling the pages. Now mind you, this guy was not huffing and puffing - you could not see even his cheeks puffing up but Randi found out that he was an expert Kung Fu artist who had trained himself in breath control. He must have been spurting hard bursts of air without the appearance of it.
What Randi did to expose the trick was to lay Styrofoam peanuts around the phone directory so that if it was his breath, instead of some mysterious psychic power, those Styrofoam peanuts would also move.
The "psychic" was flustered, he did not even try to move those pages. He lamely said that the static electricity from the peanuts would interfere with the pages turning.
I miss James Randi.